Rev. A.R. Bernard is the founder and CEO of the Christian Cultural Center (CCC). Located in New York City, this faith-based organization currently has over 28,000 members and is situated on a welcoming 11-acre campus.
Drawing on his beginnings in the financial industry, Bernard has built a familiar brand associated with positive, life-changing experiences. Through his practical application of principles approach, and the successful leadership programs he has created, Bernard has become much in demand as a speaker by some of the leading "Fortune 500" companies, universities, colleges and faith-based organizations.
He has also addressed senators and congressmen of the United States on numerous occasions.
New York Magazine named Bernard as one of their "Most Influential New Yorkers." In February 2008, he was named by a consortium of organizations in the New York Daily News as the number one religious leader in New York.
Other than being the host of two weekly television broadcasts, he is a current member of the Board of Directors of the New York City Economic Development Corporation and Chancellor Joel Klein's Cabinet of the New York City Department of Education. He has served as a member of the NYC Police Department Advisory Board for Courtesy, Professionalism and Respect.
Bernard also served on Mayor Michael Bloomberg's 2001 Transition Team of the City of New York.
Bernard received a Masters Degree in Divinity from Alliance Seminary, Nyack College.
Sorry to say this, but even Pst K cannot replace him as my FAVE speaker. =)
Insulate to Penetrate culture (the greatest hindrance to revival).
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