Monday, May 4, 2009

yes my dearest ones.... I'M BACK!!! =)

had a really cool trip doing basically... nothing! HAHAHA....
nothing accomplised, but went for countless spa massages, beach walks, shopping trips (which all where unfruitful sadly...), delectable eating, swimming & sunsets watching...

basically, making merry! heh.

will upload some photos and give commentarys on stuff once i have the time n once my friends wake up fr their slumber to send me their photos. we reached home at like 4am this morning and they both skipped church! *tsk tsk*

only hardworking me reached home at 430am, tried to sleep and woke up for service at 8am! *pats myself on my back*

yes... back to reality as i busy myself with month-end ONCE AGAIN. didnt we just finish year-end? if only financial periods never end...

sigh. ah well. soon. Soon. SOON.