Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I made it!!! PTL PTL PTL!! =)

Yes I finally made it...

After numerous scolding sessions, seeing tons of red and blue notes fly away...

So grateful to God!!!! :)

Oh and of course my instructor (who never fails to remind me how he thinks I cannot make it). But seriously I'm glad that I endured all the sessions... And he sounded sincerely happy that I passed. Guess he had enough of me. And he apologised for scolding and stressing me so much since last week. Haaa...

I've improved from slightly more than 50 (this is so embarassing) to slightly more than 10! (same points as my O levels prelims actually... hahaha...) :)

Prayed like crazy since Sat after being scolded till I nearly cried at the multi-storey carpark that I will never forget. Anyways...

With this thing ticked off my To-Do list, I can finally move on to other things!!!! *yeah*

I finally loaded my HP picts into my laptop, so you can expect to see nice photos really soon. I've also back-uped all my contacts and stuff from my HP. So proud of myself. *grins*

Glad that I'm once again doing something for myself. Hee...

Ok I better NOT get myself into this mode again so soon in case I start spending more money to pursue more things cos I'm currently REALLY low on Vit M.

Oh and I'm getting S$1.2k from the government (an accumulation since 2003)! So I can finally finish my .... !!!!


Looking forward to what God has instore for me in the near future to come! :)

"God is Great
Sing His praise
All the earth
All the heavens"